Tuesday 26 April 2016

1 Timothy 2:5

"For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus"

Hebrews 9:15
And for this cause he is the mediator of the new testament, that by means of death, for the redemption of the transgressions that were under the first testament, they which are called might receive the promise of eternal inheritance.

The word "mediator" is derived from a Latin word medius, to mean; in-between.

A mediator can be a person who attempts to make people engaged in a conflict come to agreement. He acts as a go-between.

A mediator can also be defined as a person who works to effect reconciliation, settlement or compromise between parties at variance.

So then, mediation comes into play because there is conflict or disunity. This may emanate either from someone or certain factors. But the opposite is true; that if there is one seeking to mediate, it is pretty much true that there is another seeking to cause conflict and disunity.

In this case, scripture describes Jesus as the mediator between men and God. And so it does explain Satan as wedging a gap between men and God by his wiles as lies, deceive, accuse, murder, theft, tempt etc (Genesis 3:4-5), (Matthew 4:3), (John 8:44, 10:10), (Revelation 12:9-12).

He is a person who must not only stand in-between, but rather tow the process and create remedies to reconcile the conflicting parties. And this is only possible if such a person is acceptable to the conflicting parties. But if not, then he must be disqualified so to have an acceptable solution/remedy.

Thus to say; mediation is not a wishful matter. It is a matter that entails certain dictations without which it may not be. For mediation is a whole ministry (2Corinthians 5:11-21). It does not just happen. It is a process that must begin somewhere and end somewhere. It thus must not be open ended but have resultant effects. 

Roles of a mediator

  • He facilitates the discussion and to help the parties identify the issues (prayer) (John 14:13-14, 15:16, 16:24). Prayer reunites and facilitates the reconciliation. Thus Jesus was dressed in human flesh.
  • A mediator does not make decisions for the parties (free will) (Matthew 11:15, 13:9), (Mark 4:9), (Luke 8:4-15). But he can advise.
  • A mediator is not to discover truth or establish fault (not a judge) (John 3:17-21, 8:15-16).

Upon this, is Jesus acceptable to mediate between God and men? Does He fit within the requirements of this mediation?


The need to reconcile men and God

There is need to reconcile man and God because God created man in His own image (Genesis 1:26-28). He (God) breathed in man the breath of life (Genesis 2:7). For man is God's own.

God placed man in the garden of Eden and man was well in fellowship with God. He directed him to eat of all the fruits of the trees in the garden except for one tree; the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 2:17).

But Satan tricked man to disobey God and man ate of the forbidden tree (Genesis 3:6). That Satan had been thrown out of heaven (Luke 10:18), (Revelation 12:7-12), and thereby subsequently condemned for disobedience, he became envious of the fellowship that there was between man and God. He (Satan) had finally realized that he had missed his chance. So he wanted neither to have it.

Satan is the evil spirit which seeks to wedge a gap between man and God. And to be able to execute this duty, he (Satan) uses objects that are in form of men. For the devil's project is aimed at failing God's plan by encouraging man to disobey God. It is Satan's project which is aimed at setting man in a self defeating conflict against God. For Satan is already defeated and condemned. It is upon this that he schemes to deceive many more so they join him in his eternal condemnation.  

The act of disobedience disunited and separated man from God. It broke the bond that was. It is at this point that the whole world, (with every creature inclusive), descended into this state of affairs. This particular act of disobedience bred sin. Yet God detests sin. And upon this, man stood condemned together with the snake (Genesis 3:14-19).

How and why Jesus comes in the picture?

At the point that sin had separated man from God, God reasoned not to give up on man. Many more plans were initiated so to redeem man. But the grand plan was the sending of Jesus Christ the Son of God. Jesus was meant to reconcile the (fallen and sinful) man with God.

Apart from being the Son of God, the indisputable scriptures show us that Jesus stands inexcusable. Is there literally a trace of a sin in Jesus?  Can any one else claim the same? Well, what do you believe?

Well, let us examine the requirement that a mediator must be acceptable to the conflicting parties.

Does Jesus fit within this requirement? What does scripture say of this? Scripture tells us that God the Father is pretty pleased with the Son (Jesus) (Matthew 3:17, 12:18, 17:5), (Mark 1:11, 9:7), (Luke 9:35). (We should always stand firm if God is pleased with us).

Much as Jesus' accusers should have wanted to find a case against Him, they could not find one. They struggled so much to disapprove Him as the Messiah (never lose heart when people seek to disapprove you or the message God has given). They wanted to do away with Jesus but they could not tell why, except for sheer pride, hatred and jealous.

They (the religious leaders) sought to use all sorts of tricks so to trap Jesus and find a way to accuse Him, and subsequently seek to fail His grand project (they were only oblivious agents of the devil) (Matthew 12:13-17, 16:1-4, 19:3-9, 22:15-22, 22:34-40), (Mark 8:11-12, 12:13-17, 12:28-34), (Luke 7:39-40, 20:20-26).  And they sought to convict Jesus (just as they did) with no case at all (Matthew 27:20-26), (Mark 15:9-15), (Luke 23:13-23).

Jesus' accusers failed to get a case against Him. He (Jesus) challenged them if one had a case against Him (John 8:46). None of them did point out one particular case against Jesus.

So then, can't I, upon this examination of scripture, suggest that Jesus stands crystal pure? Isn't it so? Must not a mediator be so?

For scripture has purely told us that God the Father is pretty pleased with the Son (Jesus). The religious leaders found no case against Jesus, even when they sought to have Him convicted.

So, what does scripture mean when it says that there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus, 6who gave Himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time..." (1Timothy 2:5-6)?

Upon examination of this scripture, it suggests that there is no other option by which to reach the Father except by submission to the Son (Jesus Christ). For the connotation that "...there is one mediator..." translates that that is the only option. No matter how one may wish.

Sin is consequential. Jesus came so He can save man from the consequential sin. So then, the devil is but to divide, and Jesus is but to unite. And then, we ought to learn that there is one uniting us and there is also one dividing us.

Why or why not Jesus?

That Jesus is the only Mediator between men and God is not a wishful statement/submission. Just as we have examined above, Jesus is the only person to ever live in flesh with no sin. Who else is sinless? And if not, can a sinner save a sinner? Can a poor man make a rich one rich? I do not intend to use logic in spiritual matters because it should not be, but is it logical that a poor person can make the other rich? Or can two poor people combined make rich?

Is God so limited by anything?

God is never limited. For while we were sinners, God found a way in Jesus to set the world free (Romans 5:7-9). That all the world had fallen prey to sin, God was left the option of Jesus alone. Jesus is holy and righteous, and a willing partner to save.

The case of Sodom and Gomorrah

Abraham sought to have Sodom and Gomorrah to be saved from God's wrath if there were fifty righteous souls in those cities. But Abraham realized there could have never been fifty righteous souls so to spare Sodom and Gomorrah. This went on until when Abraham stopped at ten souls. Yet in reality, with the exception of Abraham's nephew; Lot, none else survived God's wrath in these two cities (Genesis 18:16-33). Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed because none stood righteous. Lot could have only been saved because of his biological relationship with Abraham.

So then, in this particular case, what option could have been left with God other than to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah? And thus then, sin can be a limitation for God to go any further with a person. However, that God is limited is not, but rather that He will find a way to rid a person of sin and then He will carry on with them.

So, if God was only left with Jesus to save man, how could it have been that God is limited rather than that God will always find a way where there seems to be no way? For God makes what appears to be impossible pretty possible. For one righteous person can save a city (Jeremiah 5:1).

Additionally, if one righteous person can save a city, well and good. Yet didn't Abraham know this? Whether he knew or not is another matter. But suppose that he knew, could he have offered to stand in for Sodom and Gomorrah? How much could Abraham have been willing to offer so to spare Sodom and Gomorrah with?

The case of Enoch

Enoch was carried alive to heaven for his righteousness (Genesis 5:21-24). And well, it is commendable of Enoch. Yet being a mere mortal person, he could only save his soul.  Enoch could not offer more than he had. He was a righteous man but for himself alone. He could then not offer himself like Jesus did because it was not for him, and couldn't therefore help other than for himself.  And Enoch, like anybody else never said he could because he knew he could not afford.For there is more than meets the eye in all the process that Jesus underwent so to rid this world of sin.

Jesus suffered scorn, beating, spat upon, and did not retaliate. Who else would have stood that much humiliation? What other suggestion there is? Should we just wish!!!??? If there was one or two more people who are like Jesus in this world, would we still be in conflict?

But that many people dispute Jesus' mediation role is a matter dating way back, even during His stay on earth. Some people knew and accepted Jesus when they saw Him literally, but when they would be faced with challenges, they were tempted to doubt if He (Jesus) is the one. Among such people is John the baptist (Matthew 11:2-3)

So then, that you doubt if Jesus is the one is and has not been a matter unique to one person. Everyone has done so in one way or the other. But God will always be.

But Jesus executed the duty pretty much with confidence. For Jesus stood upright. Jesus taught God's word and He loved it that a person would take just that (Luke 11:27-28). It was never to be a personal matter (Matthew 12:46-50), (Mark 3:31-35), (Luke 19-21). Upon this, Jesus did not hesitate to assure His listeners that He was the one (John 8:24-26, 14:6).

This makes Jesus' sacrifice pretty perfect. Isn't it so? If not, why not? We (in human flesh) have all sinned and can't measure up an inch (Romans 3:23). Well, can you? Yet if one believes that he or someone else can match up, then they are welcome to the arena. But if not, scripture says it clear; there is only one sacrifice to have ever been made for the remission of sin, and that is the (perfect) sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Apart from this, there is no other (Hebrews 10:26).

Sin to be washed away is paid for by the shedding of blood. To this, any meaningful spiritual covenant is made with the shedding of blood. But what kind of blood? Or by the blood of who?

We already all do agree, whether Christian or not, that there has not been a sin that Jesus can be accused of. Neither will there be. Is it so or not? If not, why not? For if Jesus did not sin while in human flesh, is there any slight possibility that He will at any other point?

So, that there is no sin ever traceable in Jesus pretty qualifies His blood as pure and worthy. Do you not agree?

By the shedding of this spotless blood, Jesus bought us back to God (Matthew 26:28), (Mark 14:24), (Luke 22:20), (Acts 17:11, 20:28), (Romans 5:9), (1Corinthians 6:20), (Hebrews 9:22), (1John 1:7). It is this very blood which cleanses us of all sin. For it is the clean which can wash away the unclean and not vice-varsa. And a sinner can not redeem a sinner.

And in this, Jesus has played the role of a Mediator between men and God. Rather Jesus has reconciled us (sinners) with God. He has dealt with the sin which has played the role of separation between us and the Holy God. And through the prayer of repentance, Jesus has made it possible that sin is forgiven and subsequently washed away.

But if another person has shed blood which is like the blood of Jesus, so to play the role that Jesus does play then you can let me know. Otherwise, I know, and it is pretty proven that it is only the spotless blood which has the power to cleanse away sin. So then, it may be easy to wish away, but it can't be the same to deny.

 Assurances of life

If there is anything that anybody should be or is praying for, that should be or is indisputably life. This is so either in this life or in the life after. But how can we be assured of this life? Or who can assure us of this much craven for or coveted treasure of life?

This is what Jesus said about the assurance of life. He said that whoever believes in Him will live. Meaning that though one may literally seem to be living, if they have no Jesus, they are walking dead. But if you do not want to be a walking dead, or a non-walking dead, for that matter, it is pretty proven that there is only one option and that option is submission to Jesus Christ.

Jesus gives us unprecedented assurances of life (John 5:24, 12:25-26, 14:1-6), (Luke 23:43). Only Jesus  has risen from the grave. He has not only assured us of life either here or after death, but He has rather (by His very resurrection) become the assurance (Mark 16), (Luke 24), (John 11:25). Is there another one you know of? If yes, who is he? For "great" religious leaders die pretty the same. Their names are only wished great. Can we be mistaken if we proclaim that Jesus remains exceptional of all?

So, that we seek to struggle to please God is simply a wastage of time and resources on a barren issue. We can not make ourselves what God wants us to be. He (God) rather through Jesus makes us what He wants us to be. Rather than to struggle to appear good by good morals and seeking to keep the impossible laws, it would be wiser to submit to the only one who can cleanse you effortlessly.

In Jesus were the required ingredients for a perfect sacrifice. Righteousness, truth, joy, holiness, love, peace, commitment, caring, willingness, humble, knowledgeable, bearing, missionary, kindness, meekness, faithfulness and goodness.

So now, because a mediator does not mediate literally, but also spiritually (Satan also divides both literally ans spiritually) (for spiritual disunity is directly translates in literal terms), Jesus manifested in this sinful, perishable body, but He went back to heaven so He can plead and mediate our spiritual reunion with the Father (Romans 8:3-8).

That Jesus is on the right side of God interceding for us before the Father, He is carrying on with His mediation role, reconciling us with the Father (Romans 8:32). For Jesus (by His perfect sacrifice) has removed the deadly veil that separated us from God. And through Jesus Christ, we can be accepted of the Father.

And if Jesus is mediating between us and God the Father, then we ought also to learn from Him so to be mediators in various situations and areas of life. For there should be mediators in families, communities, Church bodies, work places etc.

The person of Jesus makes His priceless sacrifice the perfect one. Jesus is an exceptional mediator. Jesus is the only assured Mediator between men and God. To the glory of the Father. Amen.


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