Friday 17 April 2015

According to scripture, the wife is to obey her husband as the Church does obey Christ. Equally so, scripture instructs the husband to love his wife just like how Christ loves the Church (Ephesians 5:22-33)

Reason being that a happy couple bears a happy home. A home is the basic unit of any community. The shape of a home is how a particular community will appear. 

On that therefore, all scripture about marriage is intended to create a God fearing people who should live to the glory and honor of God. Thus the Bible says; He created one soul for each other so there would be a God fearing offspring (Malachi 2:15).

Scripture admonishes the wife is to be obedient to the husband even as the Church is to Christ (Ephesians 5:22).

It is figured that even as Christ is the head of the Church, so it is that the husband is the head of the wife and the family (Ephesians 5:23). And just as the Church is to be subject to Christ, so it should be that wives are to their husbands. To be noted; " everything" (Ephesians 5:24).

What does scripture mean when it instructs the wife to obey the husband.  And the wife is to obey in everything. This  stands to be critically examined. Yet, does this imply the wife by being obedient to the husband should be a "yes" lady? 

No not. 

But the truth is that: in a meaningful family, it is how husband and wife relate and the approach they use to communicate to each other. Sometimes simply how we communicate could either mean well, calm tempers or stir and provoke tempers (Psalms 50:19), (Proverbs 10:19), (Proverbs 12:18), (Proverbs 15:4), (Proverbs 17:20, 27-28), (Proverbs 21:23), (Proverbs 31:26).

One would intend to communicate but in a way to seem to command. This is where it could be interpreted what the communication is intended for. Yet one could communicate with obedience. So if one sounds commanding and ordering, then there is hardly any obedience in such. 

For one can communicate but in an obedient way and to try to put things right rather than to want to position yourself where scripture doesn't place you. Human senses are very quick to read how people approach and communicate to us.

As that, while the wife seeks to reign in her view, she must understand that what counts is the view taken by the husband who is the head of the family. Whether he makes the right decision or not is another topic altogether. For recall that the scripture has figured it in how Jesus is the head of the Church and thereby directing it, is how the husband is to the wife. In essence, it is the husband directing the family not the other way round. Avoid therefore to seem to challenge your husband.

Yet, what does scripture mean by obedience. That is; what does obedience entail? Obedience entails the following; submission, trust, and respect.


This is the act or fact of accepting or yielding to a superior force or to the will of or to the authority of another person. On that, a wife ought to recognize the husband is the authority in the home.


This is the firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something. As a wife, somewhere in you, you should have the confidence that your husband is well suited to be the head of the family. You should try to do away with any doubts. Yet even when you have doubts, try to channel them well for harmony in the family.


This is a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements. For him being your husband, means as a well intentioned and intelligent lady, you must have identified the right person in your husband. On such grounds, he deserves your respect. How you deal with him should always be augmented with respect.

On the other hand though, scripture commands the husband to love his wife as Christ loves the Church and offered Himself for it. For husbands aren't simply to assume obedience from their wives. To win the respect of your wife, you must play the role of a husband and play it well. As that, what does love entail? Love entails the following; provision, protection, and care.


This is the action of supplying something for use, or making something available to someone for use. For a husband to win obedience, he must endeavor to provide for his family. You ought to note that obedience is to be earned, not simply granted.


This is a person or thing that prevents someone or of something from suffering harm or injury. This is to be done by the husband jealously in every way possible. For we ought to note that a wife's confidence is derived from how her husband assures her in how he responds in given situations.


This is to look after and provide for the needs of someone. Husbands must do this selflessly. For happiness comes with responsibility. That is, if a husbands loves it that his wife should give him happiness, he equally must meet his obligations.

The absence of the above creates a scenario that the home is divided resulting into misery, regret, and failure in the sensible management of the home. It creates a situation that everyone will manage on their own. 

Yet this is not how God intends the home to be. Recall that the home is the foundation of any community. For a disgruntled home will only create unmanageable individuals who will end up corrupting the whole community.


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