Wednesday 28 October 2015

What is Love?

The Greek language (the language of the New Testament) uses two different words to describe and define love. The most commonly used Greek word translated "love" in the New Testament is "agape." This love translates into God's love for us. It is non-partial. This kind of love can also be called Spiritual love. It is sacrificial love probably best exemplified by God's provision for our rebellion:

"For God so loved (agape) the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life." (John 3:16)

The gift of God's son as a provision for sin was given to all humans, regardless of who we are. God's love is unconditional.

In contrast, our love is usually conditional and based upon how other people behave toward us. This kind of love is based upon familiarity and direct interaction. The Greek word "phileo" defines this kind of love, often translated "brotherly love." Phileo is a soulish (connected through our emotions) kind of love - something that can be experienced by both believers and non-believers.

This is in contrast to agape, which is love extended through the spirit. Agape love requires a relationship with God through Jesus Christ, since the non-regenerated soul is unable to love unconditionally. Agape love gives and sacrifices expecting nothing back in return.8

If you study the Bible and get to know about Peter's character, you will find that Peter was more often overtaken by his emotions and often responded to situations emotionally, rather than thinking before acting. Sometimes this kind of response led to good things, e.g., Peter walking on the water to meet Jesus (Matthew 14:25-33).

Whereas at other times, Peter's response was inappropriate (he was interrupted by God while suggesting that he build three tabernacles, one for Jesus, one for Moses, and one for Elijah on the Mount of Transfiguration (Matthew 17:4). Peter was quite proficient at expressing phileo love, and was probably very popular because of his dynamic character. However, God wants us to express both phileo love and agape love.

There are not any similarities of how God loves and how humans love. God's love is genuine in every sense of the word. On the other hand though, there are loads of differences between how God loves and how humans love. Among the many are the following:

  • Man's love is conditioned on material gain, God's love on the other hand is not conditioned on any material gain.
  • Man's love is only seeming, God's love on the other hand is truly so.
  • Man's love is limited, God's love on the other hand is not limited.
  • Man's love is graded, God's love on the other hand is equal for all.
Man's love is conditioned on material gain, God's love on the other hand is not conditioned on any material gain.

For humans, love is pretty based on what we can materially gain from each other. Rather, our version of love is for what we can gain if at all we went on to love (but if not for sheer pretense). A case in view of this is the fact that; a man loves a woman primarily for sexual gains from her, so is the woman. If she hadn't been his wife or if he hadn't been her husband, the love to be expressed would rather be a whole lot different. There is always somewhat a reason for which we express love (the human version of love - phileo), a reason I would say is selfishly founded.

A clear example of man's love is of the story of Amnon and Tamar (2Samuel 13). Amnon appeared to love Tamar for purely a sister (biological). He expressed this in ways that Tamar never suspected anything else other than being Amnon's sister.

Yet behind everything Amnon did for Tamar was only intended to get her into a situation whereby he would hurt her. He managed to lure her and he indeed raped and hurt her severely. And for the fact that Amnon's love was purely selfish, he after raping her hated her like never before. A very true example that man's love is always pointing to something to gain. 

God's love on the other hand is unconditional. God is never looking out for what He gains from us (none there is), He actually loves us for what He is giving us in return. Jesus died on the cross not for what He could gain, but solely for our redemption. God manifested His love to us through His only Son Jesus Christ (1John 4:19).

Now, some people go on to argue that God's love is also conditioned on getting us love Him in return. I can categorically state this, God doesn't need our love to exist. God is self sufficient. It is man who stands to lose if we detach ourselves from God. For God loved us before we did love Him (John 4:19). God's condition (if at all any), only stands to our salvation. If even a mortal parent knows how to love their children, yet they are wicked, how about the all holy and all righteous God (Isaiah 49:15-16), (Luke 11:11-13), (Matthew 7:9-10).

Man's love is only seeming, God's love on the other hand is truly so.

As mortal beings, we love selfishly (it is all about me), if not, then it shouldn't be. For there is an evil seed/DNA in every human. Every one only loves and hates strategically. Man's love can hardly stand a trial or a test. I do agree that there are people who may sacrifice for others, but even then, it is purely out of the maturity of the seed of love planted in there by God Himself. The seed or the DNA of love is never in mortals. Love is spiritual.  Love begins in the heart and it bears fruit.

For love is only of God and it is only of God that one can truly love (1John 4:7). By His very nature, God is love (1John 4:8, 16). True love in any mortal only has its source in God. God loves all even when He is hated. God gives love for hate, He gives blessings for curses.

God is gracious and merciful, and He knows that we are only misled by the devil to do evil. Thus He (God) commissioned a project through Jesus Christ to disentangle man from sin, but not to condemn him. That is; God is reconciling man to himself through Jesus Christ by never counting our sins (2Corinthians 5:19).

Unlike us (mortals), God's love does not depend on how one behaves toward Him (God) (Matthew 5:45). God is calling on us to love when it is most unsuitable for us to, much more so when we gain nothing materially. This kind of love is the love that Jesus taught and illustrated in the parable of the good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-27). In this parable, Jesus taught that this kind of love is selfless.

And with this kind of love, the way Jesus illustrates how it is expressed, it does not depend on what status one is. That is; for one to be able to express it, it doesn't require him to be one thing or the other. It has nothing to do with persona. Say for example being or not being in a honorable position.

It is for this reason that Jesus stripped Himself of all the glory and the honor for absolutely nothing else but to set man free from the torment of the devil. Thus for the Bible to say that love does not boast itself (1Corinthians 13:4). Whoever expresses this kind of love stands to be seen aligning with Agape love.

For the Priest could have not only avoided helping the wounded man because he lacked in Agape love. He could have also been overtaken by the persona of being a priest. But we learn that Agape love is not at all conditioned on anything that is.

In all this, the gospel of Jesus Christ is telling us that it never matters what positions we may occupy as individuals. No. Never! The Good Samaritan couldn't have been as rich, but two things he had in plenty; love and mercy. But the Priest lacked in all this.

Yet the Priest could have never been any slightly justified by the position he occupied. And considering how Jesus illustrates this parable, the Good Samaritan was not bogged down by what he was or what he had, he was only powered by love. Love should then be the engine of whatever we do and engage in.

Man's love is limited, God's love on the other hand is not limited

Man's love is limited in terms of; to what extent can someone do something for another? Will a mere mortal man die for a brother? Man only loves, (if at all he does) when it is convenient for us. When it tends to bring costs, we are readily candidates to give up. God's love is not limited, though! It has no boundaries (John 15:13).

Despite that He was severely tortured, and shamefully crucified, Jesus stack on His mission to save man. His LOVE was proven when He forgave on the cross those who crucified Him rather than curse them for the brutality they had exhibited on Him (Luke 23:34). Whatever Jesus did was purely driven by LOVE. 

Man's love is graded, God's love on the other hand is equal

Man's love is graded basing on friendship, biological closeness, proximity etc. On the other hand, God's love is rooted in righteousness. It never discriminates on account of race, tribe, biological closeness. Jesus equally died for the African as He did for the White, Jew, Arab or Asian. Everybody of any origin is of value to God.

God's love is not based on any of our physical attributes. For God loves the person in a person. He (God) loves the invisible person. Thus the reason one will never understand God's ways. One will not understand why God loves a person who doesn't seem literally to benefit in anyway.

Love is all. It is not only by giving that we can express love. No. Not at all. But giving is one of the best ways by which one can express love for another. In this, God gave us His Son Jesus Christ. And in the same, Jesus Christ gave us His life when He laid it down for us. By the love of Jesus (as He manifested it on the cross) we have confidence in Him and we follow Him effusively. And in this, we learn that love is not about self, but about others.

Jesus won everything from us as love, respect, honor etc because each one can truly testify that Jesus Christ loved us in every way one may choose to view it.

NB Love (Agape) for others will surely earn you all  from them. Rather rooted admiration that is not simply based on emotions.

Love is not about smiling to someone. Love is not about appearing to love someone. We are not only to appear loving. No. Not at all.  We don't simply claim to love. Love is life and is to be lived. It is in this same spirit that the Apostle Paul expounds and presents love quite how it is supposed to be and the way it is (1Corinthians 13).

According to this scripture (1Corinthians 13), it pretty requires another topic to expound on each of the expressions the Apostle Paul uses to define what exactly love is. Say for example that love is not provoked, that love never fails, that love does not seek for its own, etc. Thus to say; Love is open ended. All the rest will end, but love will always be. And LOVE will always win.

It is then very catastrophic if one mortal relies on another mortal for true love. You stand to be stupefied eternally if you ever imagine that anyone human being loves you with no limit.

The oblivion of God's Agape love is the very reason we continually keep under unrelenting torment of the evil one. When one unleashes hate on you (used by the devil), they love it that you get broken in the heart and thereby begin to feel as a nobody, helpless, useless, devastated, hopeless and motionless if without their self perceived help to drive you on. All such happens to us because we doubt that God truly loves us.

This kind of scenario makes us (on many occasions) to compromise on many of our personal values and principles. Such a false feeling gets one to falsely believe that it does them more good to win people's approval rather than to please God and align themselves in the way of God's true love.

It does truly not matter at all what happens! The Agape love of God will always keep us moving. God's love for every individual is never based on any person's opinion. God will not require to consult on anybody else to love a person. No. Never! God loves everybody just how they are ,no matter what anybody's view and opinion are.

Stand strong no matter what befalls you, God's love for you is never conditioned in any sense that is. If you have embraced Jesus, that is all that is required of you. GOD LOVES YOU! But if you are yet to embrace Jesus, you ought to do so. Yet He (God) still does love you! But in Jesus, God has provided us a way that in Him (Jesus Christ), we stand assured and strong. And if God loves us, there will always be a way where there seems to be no way!

Mortals can only learn to LOVE. However, the true content of the word is exclusively of God. We can only compare in terms of differences not similarities because there are none.


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