Wednesday 11 November 2015

Personally, I am yet to learn of any one religious sect rightly claim Paul was a member. However, his teachings is a basis for many of the various denominations. But scripture and history clearly stipulate Paul was an ardent Christian critically committed to Christ and His will. By his teachings, you can envisage a man who looked only to Jesus for all He did. For he had given up much for the sake of Christ. He never even regarded his status as a Hebrew, neither did he take anymore his vast knowledge of the law to be anything of value (Philippians 3:7-8).

The execution of Paul
The Apostle Paul rightly held Jesus over and above anything there be. On this account, Paul does not in any of his writings or communications seem to pronounce or ascribe to a single religious sect. For if the Roman Catholic Church (which is said to be the original branch of Christianity) (if truly so) would claim Paul was a Roman Catholic, when we examine the teachings of Paul, they never rhyme with the doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church. By calling it the Roman Catholic Church, it gives a strong notion that it originated from Rome.

The Vatican
Yet if to ask, does the Church of Christ originate from Rome? According to scripture, salvation begins at Jerusalem (Luke 24:47). If so, at what point did this have to change? How does Rome factor in?! Is it enough to say it is because the Romans had ruled over Israel?! All these questions do require very critical answers.

When Jesus was ascending to Heaven, He commanded the disciples never to leave Jerusalem. It was equally in Jerusalem in the upper room that the Holy Spirit descended on the disciples, with Mary mother of Jesus inclusive (Acts chapters 1 & 2). So, if there is anything to be called the earthly headquarters of the Church of Christ, it should have been or should be Jerusalem.

The City of Jerusalem
What about Peter?

Much is said about Peter in relation to the Roman Catholic Church. For it is claimed that the Roman Catholic Church is founded on him. And it is further claimed that the institution of the papacy began with Peter.

But if to ask, was Peter crucified for being Roman Catholic or for his faith in Jesus Christ? On whose account was Peter crucified? Why was he crucified? All these questions can't plainly be answered, yet they call for critical answers.

Peter being murdered
On this account, we want to determine the truth in this basing on the correctness of the claims made by the Catholic Church, one of which is; the infallibility of the pope, by this, we want to ask two questions;

Was Peter infallible as is claimed the pope is?
Can a human claim infallibility?


It is claimed that Matthew 16:18 is the foundation of the papacy. It is said that when Jesus said Peter was a rock on whom Jesus would build the Church and the gates of Hades would never overcome it, He (Jesus) was founding the institution of the papacy on Peter. But if we examine the preceding conversation between Jesus and the Disciples, you realize that Jesus' statement stemmed from the earlier question by Jesus that; who do the people say I am? And what do you say I am? Then Peter answered that; " are the Christ the Son of the Living God". 

So when Jesus said you are Peter and on this rock I will build my Church and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it, was it to be an attribute to the person of Peter? Wasn't it on the revelation that Jesus is the Son of the living God? In sincere terms and without sinister intentions, or insinuations, this was not exclusive to Peter as a person (The name Peter or Cephas only means a small rock). On the contrary though, the Church of Christ is built not on a small rock, but to mean a rock (which is the hearts of those who believe in Christ) that it can never be shaken. Whoever has the faith that  Jesus is the Son of the living God is the rock upon which the Church of Christ is built. It is not therefore about a single individual but the faith one possesses in Christ.

The Church is strongly founded on Jesus being the Son of the living God. Whoever gets to know this, he/she automatically and rightfully becomes a strong foundation upon which the Church is built. Jesus said; this statement was not by Peter himself. It was a revelation by God. Just like everybody is saved by God's grace and not of their own.

When Jesus takes charge of one's heart, that heart belongs to Him (Jesus). On this then, Jesus (Son of the Living God) in a person's heart is the rock upon which the Church of Christ is built. It is a spiritual relationship between God and the individual which is a mystery to others. Rather it is not in literal terms. This is why one can rightly understand why some of the Apostles and countless of Christians have been brutally executed for refusing to give up their faith in Jesus Christ. For Jesus is the cornerstone (Matthew 21:42), (Psalms 118:22), (Acts 4:11) and not the Roman Catholic Church.

Was Peter infallible as is claimed the pope is?

Peter was not infallible as the one who he is said to precede claims to be. For on many occasions, Peter fell short of the required standards (all humans do). For in the very chapter of Matthew 16:23, Peter had contrasted with Jesus when Jesus fore narrated His death and resurrection. Peter denied Jesus three times (John 18:15-27), (Luke 54:60). For Peter was never to escape the human instinct by himself.

Paul castigated Peter over Peter's shaky stand about the gentiles' status. He (Peter) was only put right by Paul on this particular issue (Galatians 2:11-14). If Peter is the foundation of the papacy and we see Peter being corrected, can the pope equally be corrected by another person? Would he still be infallible? History tells us that whoever has stood in the way of the Pope have had to face very tough times (Galileo was confined for insisting the earth is round as against being flat).

Yet even scripture (which the Catholic Church claimed to protect, if at all it is to be protected), is very clear on the right shape of the earth. The earth is circular in shape (Isaiah 40:21-22), (Proverbs 8:27). And Job 26:7 rightly says the earth is held hanging on nothing, and that is what rightly it is. So there was no scripture the Pope was protecting. For scripture is self sufficient. He was simply protecting the view of the Roman Catholic Church.

The Pope as a person is no divine person. He equally is subject to spiritual vulnerability (just as any other human is) whose priorities keep shifting everyone second. And if the one billion plus Christians world over were to be entrusted to the person of the Pope as the Roman Catholic Church is struggling to make it happen, how such would be an unexplainable spiritual danger to all! The Pope is simply an individual whom some people choose to hold highly in their own view. If to say, everyone Christian is a Pope of their own. NO HUMAN IS INFALLIBLE!

On the account of the above, Paul and Peter belonged to no religious sect. They were simply Christians and they loved CHRIST. They taught the doctrine of Jesus Christ and not that of the Catholic Church, nor that of any other sect.

Christianity is all about the person (Christ) of Jesus and His teachings. Anything short of or more to that is heresy. If to say, Peter and Paul, and all the Apostles only taught what was instructed them by Jesus Christ. For the doctrine of the Catholic Church (as rightly is) is way different from that of Jesus Christ. Equally so are the teachings of these great men of the Christian Faith (Paul and Peter).