Monday 16 February 2015

Scripture does indeed describe Jesus worshiped. People go on to argue against the worship of Jesus on grounds of doubting His deity. Yet Jesus is God in flesh.

Jesus dressed in flesh for the purpose to save man. Having appeared in flesh does not make Him any less than what He is. If a president or king for that matter enters a grass thatched hut, does the grass thatched house make him any less than what he is ?

Jesus is the word of God (John 1:1-4). The word of God is God. For a person can't be treated in isolation with what they say. Rather a person is mirrored in what comes out of their mouth. What a person therefore says is exactly what that person is. Jesus is God.

The case of the word

According to scripture, the word is living. How can the word be living? The word is living because it proceeds from a being (Hebrews 4:12). Without a being, there is no word.

Characteristics of a word

  • A Word Is Living
  • A Word Is Powerful
  • A Word Is Penetrating
  • A Word Is a Discerning tool

So, there is no word that proceeds for nothing (Isaiah 55:11). And upon this, everything is because of the word. For without the word, nothing would have ever been. The world was created with the word of God (Genesis 1 & 2). The word is Jesus Christ.

The word of God will live on and on because it proceeds from the one who lives forever and ever. So, upon this, the power of the word is in the one from whom it proceeds to live on. If you say a word but you cease to live on, the power in your word dies with you. Upon this, God's word lives forever because God lives forever (Matthew 24:35), (Luke 21:33).

Jesus Christ is God because He is the living word of God. And because Jesus is the word of God, everything else is because Jesus is. By Jesus therefore, everything effects. The word of God births what it is sent for.

However, there are two key things to consider before we should or should not believe the deity of Jesus:
  • How do we  come to believe the Deity of Jesus? 
  • Did Jesus directly reveal His Deity? If yes, why? And if no, why? 

How we are to come to believe the Deity of Jesus?
There is no amount of explanation or any sort of magical words which can be used to make someone come to believe the Deity of Jesus. The questions which were asked by those of Jesus' days are still the same questions being asked today. 

  • How can this poor man, who has grown while we watch Him be God? 
  • Aren't these His brothers? 
  • How can God eat and drink? 
  • How can God go to toilet?
  • How can God be like us?
  • How can God be among us?

To them, Jesus was as common as anybody else only bent on over blowing His trumpet. Many doubted the deity of Jesus on such grounds (Matthew 13:55), (Mark 6:3).

Thomas (Jesus' disciple) was one of the chief doubters. Others were torn in between believing Him as a Deity and not doing so. Many only believed Him after the resurrection. Thomas confessed that; " are my Lord and my God"only after having seen Him (Jesus) when He had resurrected (John 20:28).

Only Jesus' works and character would represent Him (John 10:25, 10:37-38, 14:11). So, whatever doubt there is to date, is never in isolation, it has been there ever since, and it will always be.

Yet it is only a denial but the truth remains; Jesus is Lord and God. For Jesus only had the appearance of a common person, yet in the substance of Himself, He was and is indeed God. Jesus' personality was much more than any of that of a common man.

 How is Jesus to be believed as a deity?
As earlier said, there is no any magic in making one come to believe the deity of Jesus. The mystery, though, is in revelation. We come to understand God is supreme by revelation. Jesus healed the sick, raised the dead, dispossessed many of the devils, many people watched Him do that, and yet many couldn't believe Him!

They even said He was only casting out demons in the name of Beelzebub (Matthew 12:24). However, whatever others said, would never deter the rest who had the true revelation of the Deity of Jesus and they continuously worship Him to date.

 Why wouldn't Jesus directly reveal His deity.

The answer to this question is in understanding what Jesus' mission was. What was it? Was it to tell  and show us that He is God or to seek for and save us?

Jesus says "...For the Son of Man came to save and seek that which was lost" (Luke 19:10). Jesus was describing His first hand primary mission; to save and seek that which was lost.

Jesus did not come for the show of how a deity He is. However though, because that is what He is, upon those whom the revelation fell, so be it, for He is indeed God.

Jesus never denied being called God. He never denied being worshiped. There are very few cases when Jesus intends to reveal His deity (John 8:58). He only did when it was necessary, never for simply a show off. But most of the time, He kept Himself to the mission (Luke 4:18).

Scriptures which confirm the worship of Jesus

  •  At His birth, Jesus is worshiped by the wise men and the angels of Heaven (Matthew 2:11)
  •  A leper came and worshiped Jesus (Matthew 8:2-5, 9:18; 15:25) (Mark 5:6).
  • After Jesus had calmed the storm, the disciples worshiped Him saying He was the Son of God (Matthew 14:33).
  • After Jesus had healed the blind man, He revealed Himself to be the Son of God. The man said he believed, and he worshiped Jesus (John 9:35-38).

Note that such worship would have been blasphemy and should have been forbidden as it was in the case of Peter, the angel, and Paul (Acts 10:26, 14:15), (Revelation 22:9). Upon this, it is indisputable that Jesus could have never been a mere man on earth.

  • After His resurrection, His disciples worshiped Him (Matthew 28:9, 17 John 20:28-29).
  • Even after He had ascended back to heaven, they worshiped Him (Luke 24:52).
  • Angels call Him Christ the Lord (Luke 2:11 ).
  • Angels are instructed by God to worship Jesus (Hebrews 1:6).
Note that men were rebuked for worshiping men, angels, or created beings, but they were never rebuked for worshiping Jesus. Angels are even instructed by the Father to worship Jesus. The context of the above passages cannot fit the idea of obeisance to an earthly king or ruler. They refer to honoring Jesus.


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