Friday, 10 June 2016

One of the Psalms says: "....a fool has said in his heart; there is no God...." (Psalms 14:1).

 Who is a fool?

A fool is a person who acts unwisely or imprudently; a silly person. Or rather a fool is a person who has been tricked, deceived or duped into acting unwisely. And upon this, one is a fool either because it is his own or rather that he is been misled into it by another person.

It sounds quite abusive and insulting, but since the Bible has phrased it the way it is; it gives us space to discuss it in those terms.

Is it an expression of foolishness for one to say there is no God?

Scripture and everything else do indeed tell us God is there and He is the creator and the source of everything and of all life. Your existence alone is proof that God is.

The parable of the wise and the foolish builders

Jesus teaches us about the two builders; one who was wise and built his house upon a rock. And that this was made possible for him by way of having and keeping God's word. When there was a stormy down pour, it couldn't break the house because it was built upon a rock and thereby very strong (Matthew 7:24-27).

There was also the foolish builder who constructed his house upon sand. In this way, it rather translates that he did not take and keep God's word to himself. And Jesus taught that this is the foolish builder. When there was a stormy down pour, it swept the house away because the house did not have a strong foundation.


The rock is the word of God. The word of God is Jesus Christ. We build on this rock (Jesus) by way of believing His word, for it is life and food for the spirit. Submit to His authority, for only then are we assured of safety. Deny ourselves the things of this world which are very pleasurable to the sinful flesh but very damaging to the spirit.

So, building on the rock pretty takes patience because a rock is hard to make a foundation on it. It takes time and much resources.

When we take Jesus' word and keep it to ourselves, this word digests in us and transforms us to the liking of God. It rather makes us bear fruit as: love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.  

The foolish man on the other hand, is not fool for mere say. He is fool for making and taking un-thoughtful decisions. He rushed to build a cheap house. He did not want to labor much. He rather chose to build on mere sand which is not so tiring to dig. He used cheap materials because they did not trouble him to get.

What are these sand and cheap materials.

The sand upon which he built, and the cheap materials are the things of this world which are pleasurable to the sinful flesh but very damaging to the spirit man. The foolish man thought that by having buildings, children, vehicles, women and land, he is stronger. He falsely thought that he was then in a strong position to direct his life.

Worth to note, it is not that the foolish man did not take Jesus' word, but rather he took it so lightly. Say like people who keep saying I know God and I go to church. Yet despite all this, they carry on with the other secretive sinful life.

So, the foolish man knows God's word to be true but will never keep it to himself. He is rather overtaken by the cares of life. He takes the issues of life more seriously than the issues of God.

The stormy rain that hit the weak and cheaply built foolish man's house hard and destroyed it, is death. All the things he chose to use to build his house turned out to be useless, just like a house built on mere sand.

The weak structure of the seeming house built on mere sand had given the foolish man false belief that he had something in the form of a house, but when it was tested, it turned out to be nothing, useless and unhelpful when the critical moment came. Jesus said: "...heaven and earth will pass away, but my word will always remain" (Matthew 24:35), (Mark 13:31), (Luke 21:33).

Basing on how Jesus teaches in this narrative, it appears that foolishness can be viewed in a number of ways. But it pretty much appears that Jesus was teaching us about the heavenly wisdom. So, upon this, there are (in this perspective) two types of wisdom;

  • Heavenly wisdom
  • Earthly wisdom.
Heavenly wisdom

Heavenly wisdom can be defined as a person's faith in God. Rather that God does exist and that He is the creator of any and everything there is. He (God) is the Alpha and Omega. He is the Omnipotent, Omnipresent, and the Omniscient God. And upon this, every creature ought to obey and surrender to Him (Hebrews 12:9). So, heavenly wisdom is believing in and obedience to God.

Earthly wisdom

This is the wisdom of the humans. This kind of wisdom (to the humans), it appears to be leading them well. But according to scripture, this wisdom only appears to be so, but in the end, it is terribly misleading. For if a person uses his ability to make something to challenge the existence of God, then it is terribly misleading (1Corinthians 3:19-20). The ability to make something should rather be used to glorify God but not to defy Him. And if you use your understanding as a way to glorify God, then you become wise both spiritually and literally.

So, upon this, it is terribly mistaken for a person to seek to perceive heavenly or spiritual wisdom in earthly terms (1Corinthians 2:14). For spiritual matters can't be perceived literally. Neither can literal things be perceived spiritually. And it so is that if you seek to know God, the starting point is to believe. That you perceive yourself to be wise is pretty much subject to scrutiny, should you use what you call wisdom the wrong way (1Corinthians 1:20).

Everything in this world begins with a simple idea. The only way to believe that God does exist is to begin to believe. For if you do not begin to believe, then you will never believe. And if you will never believe, then you are doomed. If you are doomed, then you are foolish.

Why am I foolish?

You are foolish because there is a clear way you can save your soul.

Now believe what?

The first step is to believe that there is all reason that God is. Upon this, read scripture and in it, search for the proof. Scripture together with faith will surely guide you the way of God. And with time, you will get and know more facts. Then your faith builds and it becomes strong (Matthew 17:20), (Luke 17:6).

Imagine that one man imagined a car. But now the car is no longer an imagination. For it is now a reality. That means the car was there, but it simply required someone to make it happen and real. The person who imagined this pretty much believed that if he went on to make it, it would become a reality. And now it is.

So it is that for those who love to know and see God, if they search for Him, they will indeed know that He is and that He is the creator and the source of all life (1Chronicles 16:11), (Psalms 14:2), (Isaiah 45:19, 55:6-7), (Jeremiah 29:13), (Proverbs 8:17), (Zephaniah 2:3), (Acts 17:27).

The starting point is to begin to read literature about the true God, or listen to what the men of God say. That literature is none other than the Bible. For if you are a teacher, what can you teach a child who doesn't want to learn? Or how do you handle a child who has no interest in learning but he is also gravely and terribly ignorant. Yet if he submits to learn, then he will indeed learn. But that doesn't mean he should not ask questions if he has to.

In all this, the lead principle must be that an ignorant student must be willing to submit and to learn thereof. If that is so, then they will be equipped with the necessary required knowledge for that matter. But if a student is searching for knowledge but doesn't want to submit to the principles thereof, how else can he learn? Or how will he learn? Rather what else will he do? Except to remain terribly ignorant and foolishly argumentative!
For each one of us is a potential atheist if to say. But the difference is that some of us have submitted and we have indeed found reason to believe what we do believe now. I personally do believe that if to be, there is enough reason that God does indeed exist.

A few questions, though;

  • Why does the Bible refer to a person who says there is no God as a fool?
  • Was it intended to abuse and insult?
  • What is the intention of the person who says there is no God?

Why does the Bible refer to such a person as a fool?

I believe this Psalm was written by David. David loved God wholesomely. He knew Him as his only source of everything. If God is the source of all for David, who is the source of yours? As that, to David and many of us, for one to say there is no God is sheer foolishness. Because we are the very reason that God is.

Now, foolish reasoning is asking where does God come from and who is He?

In our current human setting, it is impossible to know all this. And not only this, but a lot more. It is not the time for us to know all, and not in this form that we are (1Corinthians 13:12). When each of us was in the womb, none of us knew a thing. But when the right time came, we now know so much. And it is that when the right time comes, we shall know all about the heavenly setting.

So, the logic of the atheists just doesn't add up. For the atheists are only struggling to make a point which can never be made. But if to argue for the case of logic, then the existence of logic is also the very proof that God does indeed exist.

Why is it foolishness to say there is no God? 

It is foolishness to say there is no God because there is every proof and evidence that God is there. Science is limited and we have nothing more than that in the human means.

What else is there we can do to believe God is there? Is there anything more? Yes it is there. But we can't search for God using means of science or human intellectualism. God can never be found in science, albeit science can be one of the tools we can use to ascertain God is there. For God is Spirit and those who love to see Him must enter in the spiritual (John 4:23-24)

Does God want us blindly to believe He is there?? No. If it was so, Jesus wouldn't have come and the Bible wouldn't have been written.

Now that human capacity is limited in approving or disapproving much, then what?

I believe;there must be a being over and above and who is in charge of all (the Alpha and the Omega). If I can't even tell what my wife thinks, despite the fact that I share so much with her! Who is that other person in me or in you that can't be seen by anybody else? Where is that invisible person? Who is he responsible to? That other person must be only visible and responsible to somebody else who is also invisible and not human. 

Human science has failed to tell us of such. The conclusion that a person who says there is no God is a fool is because it is foolishly a tiring task, an expression of an empty headed head, it is null and void to try to prove God is not there. No one sets in battle with God will win. History pretty proves that whoever seeks to get in battle with God has failed or rather been defeated.

Will you balance your mind, meditate and ponder carefully? For what is your share in all that God created? Rather what is your portion of all this? What is your contribution to the creation of this earth? Where were you when this earth was being created? (Job 38:4-7). What explanation do you have?

NB For the wisdom of God is none but to know that God is and to obey Him.

God is not telling us to believe blindly. I do believe God is there because even if I wasn't to, there is overwhelmingly enough proof for me to believe God is there. What can I change? How much control do I have over myself and all the rest? The fact that I do not have all the control is pretty evidence that there is another who is. If even air, which is not in solid form is counted as matter!

Was it intended to abuse and insult?

No. It wasn't. It was only for explanatory purposes. It is more meaningful and better understood when phrased and asked that way.

Many people only come to such a conclusion as; "...there is no God.." because they want to assume doing away with God. They feel they should be independent of God. They have a dangerous false denial that they should not be responsible to anybody. Such people only wish to own their lives. Yet in their hearts, they pretty do believe that God is there, but they do not want to submit to His power and sovereignty (Romans 1:20-21). It is simply rebellion! 

But God is all loving and patient with us in the hope that our life journeys will become a testimony upon which we can build our faith in God. That is why even if you are an atheist, you still live, because God means well for you. If you really do own your life, you would not die!!!??? Would you??? Do you want to die? I do not believe anybody fancies death, but it comes anyway. Why don't you stop it? Why do you become so terribly helpless during that time?

No body in this world has no spiritual lenience. Even atheists you will realize they readily accept an opposing spirit to the power of God. Such are all the devils schemes. To deny God is there is simply to try to resist God's overwhelming power and manifestation. It actually tells there is a voice in you which you are trying to quiet up. 

Mark you, to deny Obama is US President is not to say he is not. Even though you hate and do not like him, it doesn't make him any lesser a president of the USA.

God's power and sovereignty will always act on you, even though you deny He is. That is why you will helplessly die anyway. Not so? There are many things we would want to have under our control, but we can't. We can only pray about them if we are to. 

I wish you had the power to manage every bit of your life...! When a child is attacked, he looks to an adult for help. For that matter, the adult can do what the child can't do. Not so? To be atheist is only to wish and be rebellious.

What is the intention of the person who says so?

The intention of the person who denies there is God is simple; just trying to use their little energy to fight God back. But He remains God anyway. It is indeed fools who say there is no God.

The duty of man 

The duty of man is to believe, albeit not blindly. But it is not time for us to know everything. The secret things belong to the Lord (Deuteronomy 29:29). But even literally, there are top secrets. Families, organizations and Nations have top secrets. Meaning not everything is to everybody. Jesus said He had had a lot to tell His disciples, but it was yet time to tell all to them (John 16:12).

God has prepared the time for us when we will see and know everything. When that time comes, every bit of a question will be answered (1Corinthians 13:9-12). We are rather wasting time and energy on the issue that its time to be answered is yet to come. For everything has its own timing.

It is imperative for us to understand that there are sums of questions to which there will never be answers while in the flesh. For the answers are not meant for the flesh.  

As that, once again, to deny God is there is to be foolish more to God and less to us. He would do whatever, and He has whatever it takes to drown you. He is only giving you space to get to know by yourself. Mark you, He is watching closely! So it is foolish to deny God is there because it means you have not thought harder. Think beyond mere thinking! Meditate freely. All tells God is there, how about you? What about your very existence?


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