Tuesday 29 March 2016

Salvation is God's grace upon mankind. It is achievable not by any works, it is not a right. It is only accessible through obedience to God. Obedience to God is submission to Jesus Christ. For it is Jesus who made it possible that we can be saved. 

Salvation is a free gift to be taken by everybody. It is all inclusive, it never discriminates in terms of color, race, height, stature, social status, education, etc (Luke 18:9-14). To whoever comes to Him, to them He gave the power to become children of God (John 1:12).

Now, salvation from what?

Man is a sinner. And by way of being sinner, it provided a way for the devil to seek to fullfil his agenda of tormenting, killing and destroying man. For the devil is already cursed and condemned eternally. The philosophy/practice of Salvation therefore is redemption of the human race from the torment of the devil and eternal death. For nothing else could have been done to set man free, apart from shedding the spotless blood of Jesus CHRIST.

Obedience to God by recognition of the true and justified sacrifice of the spotless blood of Jesus CHRIST which cleanses us from our former sinful self and are made anew by the grace of God (2 Corinthians 5:17). In that, we are made to assume the righteousness of Jesus (1 Corinthians 1:30), (2 Corinthians 5:21), (Romans 3:21-22; 4:13; 9:30, 10:4). It is by this way that we are made holy and acceptable before God. The conclusive affirmation here is that Salvation is only by God, and right in the way that He has directed us. There is nothing else besides it, you either take it and live, or deny it and die.

The Christian doctrine of Salvation is well stipulated in the Holy Scriptures. First of all, it is by accepting, and submission to the begotten Son of God; Jesus CHRIST. To know Jesus is to know God. All that God demands of us to know about Him, He has engraved it in Jesus. And if Salvation is only from God, so it is that everyone needs Jesus CHRIST if to be saved. And yes we are because Jesus is our Savior (John 14:9-11).

Salvation can't be made anything else other than what it is, more so what Jesus designed it to be. Many individuals have created versions of salvation but those (versions) are only known to those individuals. Salvation is well expounded in scripture. If it is less or more than what scripture tells us it is, then it becomes something else, not the form that Jesus CHRIST formed on the cross. Salvation is not a religion, it is not a practice, and it is not a lifestyle. It is life; it is recreating a relationship with God without which one is counted dead. It is not about what we do. It is never by right and not by merit. It only comes by God's grace (Ephesians 2:8), (Acts 15:11).

What is the process of acquiring Salvation?

Scripture is very clear on the process of acquiring Salvation, but the clearest scripture is (Romans 10:8-10). The process of Salvation must first of all involve recognition of the worthiness of the almighty God. And that Jesus is the indisputable Son of God. This is to be followed by one's acceptance and confession that Jesus Christ was sent by God the Father for none else but to die on the cross so that the sin of the world can be forgiven. And that Jesus rose from the dead and He is now seated on the right hand of God the Father (Acts 7:55-56), (Romans 8:34), (Ephesians 1:20), (Colossians 3:1)

Then one should recognize that he/she is helplessness to overcome sin by self, and thereby submit and accept the redemptive sacrifice of Jesus Christ for the remission of sin. If all this is done, then one confesses to be saved and indeed he is.

Additionally, one should pronounce change of allegiance from the devil (by denying the devil and his works) to God's will and thereby follow in the footsteps of Jesus CHRIST. For a Christian must exhibit his allegiance to Jesus and God by both  good works (holiness) and thought (righteousness).

Why is Salvation only through Jesus?

Salvation is only through Jesus because He alone offered Himself to be the only true acceptable and justified sacrifice for the remission of sin. It is only Jesus who has lived in the human flesh free of sin. No body else could have. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life without whom, nobody can have access to God the Father (John 14:6-7). No one else has ever made such a statement.

The life of Jesus was indisputably exceptional. Despite that He (Jesus) was indisputably sinless, He did not seek to find a way to condemn the sinful man, but He sought for a way (no matter the cost) to make us be like Him and to be justified. Who else could it be??? Who else could afford??? This is not something to be simply claimed, for one must be exactly what he says.

As that, all that is Salvation must have its roots in Jesus CHRIST, and the work He did on the cross. I mean the Salvation by which we are granted eternal life and are led to Heaven to meet God the Father. Jesus is the exact meaning of salvation.


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