Saturday 1 October 2016

What is a myth?

A myth is any traditional story consisting of events that are ostensibly historical, though often supernatural, explaining the origins of a cultural practice or natural phenomenon.

It is a traditional or legendary story, usually concerning some being or hero or event, with or without a determinable basis of fact or a natural explanation, especially one that is concerned with deities or demigods and explains some practice, rite, or phenomenon of nature. 

It can also be a widely held but false belief or idea.

But if we can ask what a myth is, it can't also be mistaken to ask what a myth is not. What is not a myth? Is it what is not based on facts? Who determines the facts? What if one defies or denies the facts? I leave all that to you. 

Purposes of a myth

  • To explain how things came to be
  • To teach lessons or values
  • To unify a group or define a group's identity
  • To explain social or religious rituals
  • To entertain

How does something come to be labelled a myth?

In everything that man has or has not done, you can sense a wide gaping in what he seeks to know and what he does not have knowledge of. Jesus told His disciples that He had a lot to tell them, but the time was yet, and upon this, they could not bear it (John 16:12).

It would be insanity to teach a baby class child the same content as is taught to a primary seven pupil. That is that knowledge comes in levels. The apostle Paul says we see in bits, we know in bits, but when the right time comes, we shall have the full view of all (1Corinthians 13:12).

But where are the answers for the many questions? How do things come to be? What do we do to know what we do not know? So, when we are overwhelmed by the toughness of such questions, then we begin to create our own story.

Yet everybody's can be a myth! It can be a myth to say Jesus is a myth. Rather if so it is, why should it be unique to Jesus? And if so to say, everything is mythical. At one time, anyone can turn mythical. Yet when one says you are, you will vehemently deny being so. What makes you think you are not mythical? Flying a plane now may seem and sound mythical to those of the 18th Century and before!

Knowledge begins with simple principles, and it comes in phases. For what you may know now, you never knew yesterday, last month, or yesteryear. And you are yet to know more. For what did you know when you were in your mother's womb? How about between when you were 3, 4, 5 years old and now? More critically, what did you do to be in your mother's womb? If at all, what could you have done?

So, if you want to know about something, what do you do? Do you begin by opposing it, or by submitting to certain laid out principles how to know it? Say for example; if you want to be a medical doctor, do you begin by opposing being so, or by submitting to the principles of becoming so?
God directs man

God pretty knew that man would keep wondering and fall into false imagination. Wondering led man into sin. Man attempted to build the tower of Babel out of wondering (Genesis 11:1-9). By wondering, we ask what would it be like, or what is it (John 3:8)? And upon this, God has always provided a way how to direct His people the right way. God has not kept away from man, but man seeks to deny and keep away from God.

God led Abraham right to a point when Abraham came to understand what God's mission was. But if Abraham ever resisted at the beginning, he would have never come to such knowledge. A parent guides a child until when the child becomes an adult. Have you grown to adulthood in the things of God?

God led the children of Israel from Egypt to the promised land. Even then, you can realize how the Israelites kept on wondering while on the way to the promised land. And up to date, God is not leaving man isolated, but man keeps isolating himself from God.

How to know God

Knowing God begins with simple steps. It begins with submission. In this, let us use the example of admiring to become a medical doctor. If you admire being a doctor, you begin with simple steps. You can imagine that becoming so begins with having to attend baby school. And all the way to becoming doctor involves submission to certain given principles that will guide you to the very goal. Rather you can't have read for accountancy, but then become a medical doctor. Can you?

In this, if you have put yourself in a position to seek to challenge God's being, then that is what you will master in. So, knowing God begins with submission to Him. How can God be in your life when you oppose Him? How can God appear to a person who does not give Him (God) time and space in his life?

Is Jesus the way to know God?

Jesus on many occasions taught that He is the way to know God. For God has always provided a way. In this, it pretty so is that there are many ways to wherever, but the way to God is particularly through Jesus Christ. We only deny to go God's way.

In Jesus' own teaching, He said that it is through Him that we can know about God. And it is through Him that we can reach the Father, and who also is the creator (John 14:6). Jesus taught His disciples that if you have seen me, you have seen the Father (John 14:7-9). He went on to say that He (Jesus) and the Father are ONE (John 10:30).

In this, Jesus gave us reference. He wanted us rather to take His word the true word of God. For it wasn't of or by Himself that He said or did a thing (John 5:19), (John 5:30), (John 6:38), (John 8:28), (John 12:49). He appeared to be human, but in Him (Jesus) was God the Father directing the Son in the right way. And in the same spirit, God the Father (YHWH) testifies that Jesus is His own Son (Matthew 3:17, 17:5), (Mark 9:7), (Luke 9:35). Upon this, the Father instructs us to follow and listen to Him unquestioningly.

Why insist Jesus is a myth?

To say Jesus is a myth is simply one of man's self defeating and desperate ways to challenge God. It is simply a scheme with supernatural forces behind. And this is not the first time that it is.

This is intended that if man can prove that Jesus is but a myth, it would be a sure way to dispute the existence of God. For it has never been in the history of mankind that one has claimed and proven closeness to God like Jesus does. So, if you can challenge God by disapproving Jesus, then you have dealt a big blow to the Heavenly Kingdom. Yet all this has been done, but only to end desperately.

What is man to do?

Man's only option is to submit to God and His will. This is how we will stop to wonder and avoid false and gravely devastating imaginations. By submitting to God, many questions are answered because God begins to reveal Himself to us as we grow in the knowledge of Him.

Man lost the way and the identity when Adam succumbed to the wiles and machinations of Satan. Man is now in wonder land except for submission to Christ. Since then, it is not in man to know the way. Rather the way of man is no longer in him (Jeremiah 10:23).

Consider that a pupil sits in class and submits to everything thereof, so it is that we ought to surrender to God so He can teach us everything. It is wise and well with us if we are obedient to God (Joshua 24:15), (Deuteronomy 30:15-19), (Job 34:4), (Psalms 25:12, 119:30), (Joel 3:4), (Luke 21:14-15). For it is indisputably a proven fact that man has achieved nothing by seeking to challenge God. He is rather losing terribly and consequently.

Nevertheless, all the indecision is not that God has done nothing. God has done all, to the point of sending us His only Son. Miracles and wonders have been performed so man can believe. We are rather seeking a way to declare them myths! Jesus said He performed signs so that people can believe (John 4:48), but do they?

Part of their many schemes to discredit Jesus, the Pharisees falsely claimed Jesus performed signs and wonders using the powers of Satan (Matthew 12:24).

When Adam sinned, he was seeking a way away from God (Genesis 3:8-10). All this has been man's self destructing effort to challenge the being and the power of God. It is a pity that it persists to date.

Sin is keeping man away from God and it has made him lose address and identity and simply led him to wonder into what and where he is.

So, upon this, I can declare that any historian, particularly an archaeologist who denies the existence of Jesus should be disqualified from the History society.

When did the project to disapprove Jesus begin?

The project to disapprove Jesus is not a recent one, not even in early history. This project began right when Jesus was buried. For Jesus had prophesied His death and resurrection (Matthew 16:21, 17:20-23), (Mark 8:31-33, 9:31, 10:34), (Luke 9:20-22, 24:7). And after the crucifixion, the Jewish leaders realized they could have done it the wrong way (Matthew 27:54-66).

Scripture says: if they ever knew, they wouldn't have crucified Jesus, because when they did, it was more victory that He rose from the dead (1Corinthians 2:7-9).

Right after the resurrection, the Pharisees bribed the centurions to falsify the evidence that the body was stolen away by Jesus' disciples (Matthew 28:11-15). But all this has been in vain. The Pharisees could not have contained such a loud victory with a historical mark of all time.

I keep wondering who then will make it? Only laboring in futility! The project keeps going on, but day after the other, it is losing steam!

Jesus existed along side many other characters as Herod, Caesar, Pilate etc. I am yet to come across one historian who disputes Herod, Caesar, or Pilate existed. Yet why should they be concerned with these? Why should other characters as Herod and whoever be of the same concern?

Yet if one denies or declares Jesus a myth, then how will history deal with the rest of the other characters whom history tells us existed in the same period of time. For history pretty affirms all these characters. 

Jesus came into live contact with these same characters, especially during His trial. And history does not dispute and does not tell us otherwise. So, if this is so, how is Jesus to be singled out as having not existed? Upon this, we ought to find out if this is not mere jealous and unfounded hate directed at Jesus by the so called scholars.

If Jesus is not, who is? Is it Napoleon, Winston Churchill, Abraham Lincoln, Stalin, emperor Nero of the Roman empire, Tiberius, Gaius etc? Simply the wide length of the period of time between when and what happened should make us doubt everything? Some people are about to deny their grannies ever existed!

Does the world have to begin with us? Why do those who say Jesus is a myth if any, say so? Why all this attention to Jesus? That all this attention is given to Jesus, He is exceptional. This should give me more reason to search more about Him, rather than seeking to disapprove Him.

Can God be found in intellectual reasoning? Where is God?

God cannot be found in intellectual reasoning. He can't be found in chemistry, physics, or biology. He cannot be found in philosophies. God can't be found in the firmament or in the space. By seeking to see Him using these methods is rather a way further away from ever knowing or seeing Him. For God can't be found by human means. God is Spirit (Genesis 1:2, 6:3), (Exodus 31:3), (Matthew), (John 4:24). God's address is in the Spirit. But unfortunately, people do not want to go spiritual.

For intellectualism dictates that going spiritual is only a way going insane. They declare that the intellectual methods they are accustomed to, dictate that you must maintain your intellectual mind even when searching for God. Yet this is terribly wrong! Because if you can't go spiritual, you can't see God. You can't find Him elsewhere because He is not anywhere else other than in the Spirit.

Who denies kings David or Solomon existed? Who denies Abraham existed? Yet Jesus is given more attention. Jesus touches every fabric of every society in every sphere of life; historically, socially, politically, religiously, etc. Some people are found accepting Him when they seek to deny Him! The year calendar and a lot more begins with the birth of Jesus Christ. Every bit of life was overturned when Jesus was born.

 The example of the Watergate scandal

If the Jesus story is mythical, why does the myth keep persisting to date? Take the example of the Watergate scandal between 1970 to 1974. This was a major political involving the break-in at the Democratic National Committee (DNC) headquarters at the Watergate office complex in Washington, D.C. and President Richard Nixon's administration's attempted a cover-up of its involvement.

The secret could not hold, not even for five years, despite that it had initially involved only twenty people. Just twenty people could not hold a story for a little longer. Compare and contrast the same with the Jesus story which was witnessed live by forty people and has held on for two thousand plus years. And the story only goes stronger.

People are simply struggling to disapprove it but to no avail. The story of Jesus persists on and pretty much holds together for two thousand plus years. It has only turned out a futile struggle to wish it away. It only gets stronger. 

Small lies can be contained. But if it ever was, the Jesus story could have already been in the waste bin. For this magnitude of a story can't be simply kept being told. Yet we enjoy disapproving the doubters. People are searching for facts of so many ages ago, let them prove to us how mythical it is.

You may deny whatever you choose to, nevertheless you may not be able to deny a multitude of testimonies of millions of people world over who have had an encounter with Jesus. People who have had their lives entirely transformed into a very different people in numerous societies. 

Personal testimony

I was a Muslim, and many things I did, how wrong they were was none of my concern. I was only focused on Allah and Islam. No conviction whatsoever. The only conviction was to do the will of Allah no matter how. 

An encounter with Jesus changed all this. The personality too changed. Formerly known for being radical and passionate about Islam, I experienced a turnaround. I have experienced transformation in my character and spiritual life. Upon this, it grieves me when one declares Jesus a myth. I ask myself: how could it have worked for me yet it is a myth? Can a myth be real? Because Jesus has been real in my life. How can I help a doubting Thomas?

Many other people from all walks of life; formerly; Catholics, Muslims, Protestants, Adventists, sorcerers, witches, etc have undeniable testimonies. We equally see the same type of testimonies of Paul. Paul is historically proven a former persecutor of the Church. He was transformed into the greatest evangelist of all time. Peter was formerly a strong doubter, but when he was transformed, he paid for it with his dear life. All these are historical facts and not fabrications.

Archeological proof

If thus the story goes that Jesus is a myth, what is it of His disciples and apostles. What is it of Peter, John, Thomas, James, etc? What is it of Paul? For by declaring Jesus a myth, so it should be of the disciples and the apostles. Yet there is all the archeological proof that the apostles and the disciples pretty lived. Peter's house is still there at Capharnaum. How should the scholars deal with this?

The doubting Thomas finally admitted and submitted to Jesus. After touching Jesus’ palms, he said; “you are my Lord and God” (John 20:24-29). All these great men of God still testify of Jesus through the Holy Scriptures. Where did they get the energy from to act and confess the way they did? If Jesus was ever a myth, we wouldn’t be able to see a continued turnaround in the lives of these men.

To see or not to can't any slightly be a dwelling. Can I deny America exists simply because I have not been there? I would be insane to do so. To deny something is not, does not conclude it wasn’t. Some people have only been caught inventing terminologies and creating confusing phrases so to feel empowered in their perverted way of viewing things.

It is been a futile struggle by people who simply wish Jesus should not be, including books written by Loyd Graham called Deceptions and Myths in the Bible. But what makes Loyd Graham think I can't declare his book mythical? How he comes to label them deceptions and myths is to himself. I can't see and understand how he proves his is not mythical!!!???

Jesus is not a myth; He is not just a copy of the pagan gods of other ancient religions. He is God incarnate. These are not just plain words, there are concrete testimonies. It requires facts rather than fabrications of the evil mind.


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