Tuesday 14 June 2016

The Bible is the indisputable inspired word of God. It has a divine origin. It is right from within God Himself. It is God breathed. 
It is therefore incumbent on us to follow what it commands us no matter how hard it seems to fulfill. For in the Bible, God speaks to us. 
I have encountered many Christians who are seeking God's literal voice and face. Such shouldn't be because it is in the Bible that God speaks or doesn't. The Bible is therefore indisputably God's own word.

For there are so many amazing stories in the Bible, quite hard to believe by human understanding, but on account that the Bible is inspired, we go on to believe just what it says. 

The following are some of the most interesting stories ever in the history of the earth to be recorded in the Bible;

  • God provides quails to the Israelites (Exodus 16:13)
  • God provides quails to the Israelites from the sea (Numbers 11:31-32)
  • The donkey speaks to Balaam (Numbers 22:28)
  • The waters of the red sea part (Exodus 14:21)
  • Manna comes from heaven (Exodus 16)
  • Water comes from the rock (Numbers 20:11)
  • Joshua instructs the sun to stop (Joshua 10:13)
  • The waters of the river Jordan part (Joshua 3:8)
  • Jesus walks on water (Matthew 14:22-33)
  • Jesus dies and rises again (Mark 15:33-34), (Mark 16:9)
  • Jesus stops the storm (Mark 4:35-41)

And these are just a few, yet a lot more is recorded.

Using nature as an example

We all know how nature gets wild on us.  And when it does get wild on us, we then wonder how God can let that happen. Rather we appeal to God. Meaning it has reached a level whereby it is out of our control. So for example when a loved one dies and we are left helpless but to accept that judgment. 

In this, it is like we do believe even when we don't want to that only God can have it under control. And all this is proof that if scripture records a thing in this regard, so it is. For if it wasn't, why do we carry on appealing to God when things go beyond our control. Yet nature will obey at God's word. 

I am saying all this because all such stories should have been taken to be mythical if there is no some of the proof they are in present day times. So it is that some of these things can be witnessed happen today. And upon this, we can reliably believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God. 

For when we refer to the Bible, we seem to agree that it is where we can rely. And upon this, we believe what it says. The fact being that there are many other people who wouldn't want to believe what it says. But what else can anyone do? We will all remain limited unless we believe what God tells us.

Science can be used to expound on many of such things. For example in case of a storm, we pretty do have scientific explanations how it all comes to be. But the same science does not tell us the source of its energy. Neither does science give us what to do to stop it except to escape from it elsewhere. Meaning it is beyond what man can manage.

The Boxing Day tsunami, one of the worst natural disasters in history which happened in Thailand, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Australia and other countries on 26-December, 2004 is quite a good example. How could this have ever been managed (if it were ever to be managed) in the human sense and capability?

A car maker (if at all he is) must know where its energy source is. That he knows where its energy source is, he must know how to stop it if it ever goes wild. So then, to claim that all these things do happen on their own is gravely a mistaken notion. For God's word is the reason everything is. And that word is the Bible.

 Writers of the Bible

But it is also amazing how God used men from different walks of life to pass on His word to so many, among whom are the following;

  • The fishermen
  • The elites
  • The illiterate
  • The rich and 
  • The poor. 

Yet all they wrote is weighed equally and on that account, we believe it all for the word of God. None of it is treated in a special or a none special way. For in the Bible, how the word written by Peter the fisherman inspires me is the same way how the word written by Luke the doctor inspires me.

Why is it so?

For God used people from all walks of life because He is the God of all. God will never hold casts because what matters to Him is not what we are while here on earth. God loves the treasure in us and that is His spirit in us. Every spirit in every man matters in equal measures.  Thus the very reason Jesus died for all

Whether written by Peter the fisherman or Luke the doctor, both Peter and Luke had the same source of it; and that is but God. Thus then, whether written by Peter the fisherman, or by Luke the doctor, it all commands equal authority and it is all canonical on the fact that it is the word of God. Peter and Luke were just instruments to pass it on.

Had it not been from the same source, which only is but God, the various books of the Bible would have been read on account of the status of the person who wrote a particular book. Isn't this the manner in which we handle many matters in this literal world?

We all believe if we fail to get justice amongst each other (because we are immensely limited in many ways) then we refer to one we believe can see further than we can. And He is unbiased. He is the just judge. And person is none other than God. Everybody therefore will wait on what God says because we pretty believe that God is supreme in everything. We do rightly believe that there is another being who is not biased and does not take sides. And His judgment is just and final.

This is the very reason why world over, no matter how secular it may be, every constitution of any one single government has a bit to do with what the Bible says. Rather in the Bible, we have the guidance that each one of us will need. For because the Bible is widely believed to be the infallible word of God, everybody believes that when we refer to it, we get the view of God. 

This is further confirmation that much as many may stand in opposition of it, many have failed to find an alternative to which they can reliably refer besides the Bible. Many are simply in self denial, but the word of God remains to stand. As years pass on, the Bible is continuously being proven to be the undisputed infallible word of God, yet very many other writings are getting disapproved because they lack any depth in them and they can't stand the test of time.

Many times we can be amazed by the wisdom of the writers of the Bible. For considering the times when they wrote, it would have been inconceivable that it is by their own understanding that they wrote these things.

The Bible talks about the law, governments, social life, people relations and all the rest as we know it. Who else could have done this? For if a father has the responsibility to organize and guide his family, who else should do the same for all of us on this planet? If we claim to know all this better today, it is because we have learnt from God's word. It is upon this that numerous men of God foresaw this and wrote as follows.

"All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 17 That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works". 
(2Timothy 3:16-17)

Meaning that the word of God shapes us, not only for the service of God to others, but equally for preparation of us to meet our God at the end of our earthly lives. For we accept it to shape us because we reliably do believe that it is from God.  
For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost". 
(2Peter 1:21) 

So then, no one wrote anything that is canonized in the Bible by their own will. They did so as they were led by the Holy Ghost. But if we happen to spot any variance in the Bible, we should understand that we are human and are immensely limited by human limitations. No one has always taken every bit of instruction just how it is been given. Yet the substance remains important to all of us.

Upon this, it is now reliable that whoever wrote or said anything in the Bible, he did so on God's own instruction. Thus the reason that no matter the seeming differences, there is worldwide ready acceptance of the Bible as appealing to entire communities. The Bible is God inspired!
You have it all in the Bible.


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